Monday, March 25, 2013

Velvet Leaves and wire-edge ribbon collage

Velvet leaves always add dimension to collage pieces. Using eight inches of  7/8" wide wire-edge ribbon,  fold in half and add a running stitch along the folded edge; pull to gather with nymo beading thread. Once the flower is gathered, tack to the silk fabric and stitch a Japanese disk, anchored with a seed bead, into the center of the gathered flower.
Using our #13 chenille needle, stitch two RibbonRuffle Spider Web roses beneath the wire-edge ribbon flower. Using a yard of  peach iridescent wire-edge ribbon, make three small folded-ribbon roses and tack those around the RibbonRuffle roses. Clip velvet leaves from the lavender and moss velvet leaf branch and stitch around the wire-edge ribbon flowers. Add vintage pearls among the design.


  1. Hello Victoria!
    I just shared your webpage on Facebook - hope it pulls in more folks. I can't find your store on FB however, so I just linked everyone to here instead. : )

    If you want to find my art page, I'm at My Sweet Prairie on FB

    happy easter,
    Monika K.
